I am opening this space to individuals of all walks of life who feel the call inside to connect with themselves and who are willing to explore their self-limiting beliefs, self-expression, and emotions.
I offer a cozy, reserved, and intimate space, in a peaceful and nurturing property in Huaran in the Sacred Valley.
This is a personal and intimate retreat with San Pedro (or Huachuma) and healing sessions for 2 to 4 people (or individual ceremonies, upon request).
Through the treatments I offer, a preliminary exploration of what is arising in the body in the present moment. While the mind can create stories about what is happening, the body in its innate ability to heal, is able to direct focus towards the immediate aspects that need attention.
I offer my support in assisting my guests in setting up their intention to work with San Pedro. Setting an intention is an important aspect of working with San Pedro, it is like a compass that helps guide you during the ceremonies, guiding your path to meet the answers of what you are seeking. The medicine will illuminate more for you in ceremony.

San Pedro offers a powerful way to support your self-exploration and to promote your healing energetically, mentally, physically, and emotionally. It requires courage and a willingness to be open to the possibility of facing aspects of ourselves, structures of thought and illusory beliefs which hinder our ability to connect to our heart.
The day after ceremony, a sharing and integration session with the group (or individually if a private ceremony) is required.
I further support the integration of the experience of the ceremony with additional treatment(s) and/or sound baths and breathing practices. The use of sound is a non-invasive form of healing which works with the innate wisdom of the body, and through a gentle but deep vibration it removes blockages and helps to integrate the energies that have been moved or have surfaced during the ceremony.
I believe that it is important to clarify that I offer a supportive environment for my guest without pretending to have the answers. I am offering to go through this journey with you.
This retreat is for you if:
You feel ready to look deeper at the facets of your core wounding and self-limiting beliefs
You are willing to explore the fabric of your growth and the evolution of your consciousness
You feel called to get to know yourself in depth
You need a re-alignment or re-generation of your body, mind, emotions and spirit
You feel the call to a shamanic approach to your healing
You want to establish or deepen your personal heart centered spiritual practice
You long for inspiration, insight and inner guidance
You would like to confront and address any discomforts in your life
Preparing For A San Pedro Ceremony
San Pedro (or Huachuma / Wachuma in Quechua) is a cactus native to the Andes. It has been used for more than 3000 years in the Andean tradition for healing and transformation.
San Pedro is known as “the medicine of the heart”, helping us to perceive our limitations and assists in connecting with the Divine inside us.
An intentional preparation before a San Pedro ceremony can support your journey and change the nature and quality of your experience.
Food and dietary suggestions
Before meeting the medicine of San Pedro it is beneficial to clean your diet. Unlike Ayahuasca, San Pedro does not have as many food restrictions, however it is recommended to prepare yourself with as clean a diet as possible, three days in advance. Avoid pork, alcohol, excessive sweets and fats, caffeine and recreational drugs (including marijuana). A clean healthy diet is recommended with lots of fresh vegetables -and make sure to keep well hydrated.
It is recommended to abstain from sexual release so that your vital energy will be fully available for your healing process.
The night before the ceremony it is recommended a light early dinner, followed only by water and/or herbal tea until the ceremony on the following morning.
To help insure the quality and safety of your experience, I will send you a questionnaire about your medications and medical history. This will remain private. As will any other information you provide.
Setting an intention is an important aspect of working with San Pedro. It is like a compass guiding your path during the ceremonies; a place from which to meet the answers to what you are seeking. Every ceremony is unique to each individual.
Intention is different from expectation
It is recommended not to have any expectations but rather being open and available to receive whatever the medicine brings to you.
An intention is more like an energetic movement towards a certain direction, and an openness and willingness to ask for help in moving forward in that direction. Be open, not anticipatory.
It is important to have respect for the medicine and for your journey and to be open, surrender and accept what San Pedro is going to show, to heal and to teach.
The environment of the centre is supportive in going into your personal space, to connect with nature and listen to your innermost emotions and your heart.
I am happy to offer my support to my guests in formulating with clarity their intentions for the ceremony.
What to bring to the ceremony
Bring your willingness and an open heart!
Wear comfortable clothes (different layers, the weather can change quickly in the Valley) and comfortable shoes. Also remember that the medicine might make you feel cold, even if the sun is out.
Sun protection – such as sunscreen creams, hats or scarves.
Your personal stones or small amulets if you wish.
Your own water bottle. Although it is not recommended to drink for the first few hours, until the medicine is settled in your stomach, subsequently it is advisable to keep highly hydrated to avoid unnecessary headaches.
Electronics are required to be switched off during the ceremony day.
During Ceremony. What happens?
The ceremony starts around 8:30-9am when we gather together.
The medicine is served to all participants and it is followed by a short opening practice.
Each participant can find their own space in the garden or the house and is asked not to leave the property for all the duration of the ceremony.
The participant are requested to avoid engaging with each other for the duration of the ceremony, -until we gather together around 5pm to close the ceremony.
The ceremony is followed by a grounding nutritious meal around the fire outside or inside your accommodation.
Please remember that the effects of the medicine last around 10-12 hours, so after the closing feel free to take your space if required. You are asked not to leave the property on ceremony days.
Sacred Medicine Preparation
All our medicine is made with ceremony in mind, from the initial contact with my guests I add them into my intentions and focus during the preparation stages of the medicine. Prayers to pachamama and to the spirits of the land are given before and during the process. Individual intentions from guests who have shared their reasons for connecting are also considered during this important time of medicine preparation. All equipment used is sterile and throughly cleaned for each batch of medicine and the medicine stored correctly until the ceremony date.